
The Board has decided to grant a Scholarship from ”Ulrick Brinch og hustrus Maria Brinchs Mindelegat”.

The size of the scholarship will be decided by the board when the revenue from the capital of the the scholarship is known, and the scholarship should be used for a studytrip or for participation in exhibitions, conferences or similar to enhance professional knowledge.

Deadline for application is 31st January each year, and The scholarship must be used during the same year. Applications must be sent to  [email protected]

It is also possible to apply for group trips.  A high professional content will be assessed when evaluating the incoming applications.

The application must contain a description of the subject, the budget, the time schedule and the destination.

The receiver(s) of the scholarship shall be willing to hold a presentation of the study trip at one of our membership meetings, agreed with the Guild board. 


Med venlig hilsen
