DBF Annual Great Meeting / Generalforsamling
onsdag, 5. marts klokken 17:00
5. marts kl. 17:00 til 18:15
Villa Copenhagen
Tietgensgade 35, 39, 1577 København, Danmark
AGENDA for the Generalforsamling / Annual General Meeting:
Election of chairman (dirigent) for the meeting.
- Report about the
Guild’s activities in the past year.
- Presentation of the
revised accounts of the past year for approval and determination of the
subscription fee for year 2025.
- Any proposals from
the board or members: No proposals
have been received.
- Election of board
members according to our statutes § 10.
Board member and Guild Cashier Erik Lund has completed 2 x 3 year of board service and cannot be re – elected.
The Board proposes as new Board member Daniel Bjørk, Head Brewer Albani and Anarkist. - Election of Auditors: The board proposes Aage & Povl Holm
Statsautoriseret revisionsinteressentskab in Kgs. Lyngby.
- Any other Business
On behalf of the DBF Board
Axel G. Kristiansen
DBF Guild Director